So why choose a professional pet sitter, over other dog sitters? Because once you experience professional pet care in your home, you’ll never worry about being away from your pet again.You will get the best care for your loved ones with our service.

  Our dogs are members of our family and we will treat your loved one(s) the same way….as one of the family. Our family had included “Tucker”, an awesome three legged lab mix we adopted from the shelter when he was 5 months old; his previous family abandoned him. As he got on in years, he needed extra care and we felt honored to be able to do this for him. Our boy lived to be 17 years old and passed away on  September 14th, 2016. He will always be missed, but he was always a happy fella and why I encourage people to adopt a special needs pup. You won’t regret it. I made a movie about him before he passed away, cause I knew I’d never be able to after he passed. He was my heart dog. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sWsJmPFZqs8   We have our 14 year old spaniel mix, Jasper. This sweet little rescue came to us from Arkansas, just terrified of people due to being abused. She would hide behind furniture when anyone came over. But with lots of love and reassurance, she now wags her tail when she meets people and lets them love her. In the household, she has taken the Alpha position!! That cracks us up!

Then in 2012 came Zuzu. She was a gorgeous brindle pup we adopted from Paws Unlimited and was one big ball of energy and fun…it’s anyones guess what she was mixed with…When people ask what her breed was, we’d say she was a Zuzuelle! She turned out to be a wonderful therapy dog for Jasper, helping to bring her even more out of her shell when meeting strangers.

   As of October 2016 we brought another rescue into our home all the way from Tennessee. A little firecracker we call Fergus. They claimed he was a mix of golden retriever/retriever mix …haha!!! He may have some lab in him, but he’s my little shortstack terrier!!! He is tons of fun and has brought so much needed joy into our home, since the passing of our beloved Tucker. And he and Zuzu became the best of friends. They would run and chase each other all over the place…inside and outside every day!

But life served us a serious blow and on July 30, 2017 and we lost our gorgeous Zuzu to a mass cell tumor…life can be cruel sometimes. She was only 4 years old and this  blindsided us…we were absolutely heartbroken. I still keep her on my website…because she’s always close to our hearts.  

  But as of August 2017 a sweet little blessing came to our home by the name of Kelani. Kelani means “the Heavens” and I feel that Zuzu sent this little one to us. Fergus was so sad when Zuzu passed…he was grieving right alongside us. He was still a puppy and I remember the day I found him laying in his little bed and I needed to help my little man (as I like to call him) and so came Kelani and joy came back into his life and ours once again. Funny note, we thought she was gonna be another shortstack…but oh my gosh NO!! She’s more than twice the size of Fergus..she’s so big, he runs under her. She also has the cutest underbite!!! Sometimes her lip sticks to it. LOL!!! She is my Wild Child! Very talkative and full of energy.

In 2023 I just wanted to have a 3 pack once more and along came Mabel. OMG…what a little love she is. She’s everything we could have asked for. Loving, funny, super cuddly and loves her brother and sister. They all play and snuggle with one another.

From all the wonderful dogs that have shared their lives with us, we’ve come to understand the different personalities and needs of dogs. Be it a puppy, an abused rescue or an elderly special needs dog, we understand.  So let them stay at home where they feel safe and secure.  “Let us be there, when you can’t.”   Kindly, Linda